31.   Motorists will receive the reduction in the form of a rebate check mailed about two weeks after they register their vehicles in the coming year.

32.   No sooner did the Treasury Department begin mailing out tax rebate checks, though, than budget forecasts began to sour.

33.   On Monday, we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived.

34.   Other possible components include an extension of unemployment benefits to held deal with layoffs and a second round of rebate checks.

35.   People seem to have money to spend, and the tax rebate checks could be a spirit-lifting bonus.

36.   Q. What does President Bush plan to do with his tax rebate check?

37.   Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn., has said he plans to offer a proposal next week to send a rebate check to all taxpayers.

38.   Should wealthy taxpayers unlikely to change their spending patterns because of a rebate check of a few hundred dollars tops get anything at all?

39.   Still, I would appreciate it if Katherine Harris could find the time to personally deliver my rebate check.

40.   Take the rebate checks.

n. + check >>共 498
background 28.18%
security 9.25%
reality 3.98%
identity 3.64%
safety 3.34%
welfare 2.60%
rebate 1.98%
border 1.47%
refund 1.45%
credit 1.34%
rebate + n. >>共 56
check 33.73%
program 16.08%
offer 5.88%
plan 3.92%
system 3.14%
form 2.35%
amount 1.96%
coupon 1.96%
payment 1.96%
card 1.57%
每页显示:    共 85