31.   They accuse Kabila of enlisting in war thousands of Rwandan and Ugandan rebels who had used Congo as their rear base.

32.   Without Sudanese support, the rebels would have neither the weapons nor the rear bases to which the children are taken for training, both human rights groups said.

33.   Germany in March suspended its military aid to Turkey in connection with the Turkish offensive into Iraq against PKK rear bases.

34.   He said earlier in Budapest a NATO rear base in southern Hungary might remain there after the one-year mandate expires.

35.   However, other military sources told Monitor that the area was shelled because it worked as a rear base for the rebels.

36.   According to Bujumbura, Tanzania could serve as a new rear base for Hutu rebels.

37.   Ankara has twice this year launched a huge military offensive against PKK camps in northern Iraq, which is used as a rear base by the guerrillas.

38.   Begosh was brought to the hospital in this southern Hungarian town, which is being used as a rear base for US operations in Bosnia, at noon Tuesday.

39.   Burundi, where the Tutsi-dominated army seized power last July, also accused Zaire of allowing guerrillas to establish rear bases.

40.   But it used refugee camps in neighbouring Zaire as rear bases from which to launch guerrilla attacks in Rwanda.

n. + base >>共 609
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datum 7.76%
power 6.82%
customer 6.64%
fan 5.43%
guerrilla 5.19%
rebel 4.84%
tax 3.74%
support 2.09%
capital 1.77%
rear 1.52%
rear + n. >>共 332
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window 7.71%
door 6.91%
wheel 5.63%
tire 3.55%
base 3.50%
suspension 3.10%
passenger 2.39%
spoiler 1.91%
wall 1.77%
每页显示:    共 79