31.   The Russian radar station at Skrunde, Latvia, has been closed, for example, now that Latvia is an independent country.

32.   The Russian radar station at Skrunde, Latvia, was closed Monday.

33.   The test will be monitored from U.S. military facilities in Colorado Springs, Colo., and radar stations in Hawaii.

34.   The U.S. military and law enforcement authorities share information they gather from surveillance flights over northern South America and two radar stations deep in the Peruvian Andes.

35.   This week, he shifted into a far more aggressive military mode, starting with an attack on a Syrian radar station in Lebanon.

36.   To field an integrated system, Washington would need Danish approval to use a ground radar station in Greenland.

37.   While Summers flew, other scientists operated special radar stations that could directly measure the size and shape of water particles in every cloud.

38.   Peru and Colombia rely on U.S. ground radar stations and aircraft to support a surveillance system to spot unauthorized planes.

39.   A Lebanese security officer at a checkpoint about a half mile from the radar station told reporters three Syrian soldiers were killed and six wounded.

40.   A statement said the Hong Kong company will construct the radar station with facilities to detect windshear conditions including rain showers and thunderstorms.

n. + station >>共 250
radio 32.27%
television 21.59%
train 7.62%
railway 4.66%
subway 4.05%
bus 3.11%
gasoline 1.64%
work 1.45%
railroad 1.45%
radar 0.91%
radar + n. >>共 220
screen 19.14%
system 15.46%
station 5.86%
gun 4.15%
site 3.79%
plane 3.22%
equipment 2.75%
installation 2.65%
datum 2.54%
detector 2.07%
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