31.   An IFOR spokesman here said orderly queues had formed outside most polling stations in the centre of this northern town, the largest Serb-held town in Bosnia.

32.   All week long, queues have formed outside banks, which are all state-owned and buy dollars but do not sell the US currency.

33.   Despite the tough conditions, the spartan lifestyle and the poor returns, however, queues form daily outside mine recruitment offices.

34.   Long queues formed around dawn in the capital Cotonou, where General Kerekou and his rival, incumbent president Nicephore Soglo, were both due to cast their votes.

35.   Long queues formed early at bus stops, with some vehicles so packed full of passengers that they refused to let people on.

36.   Long queues formed at banks, commercial offices and food stores.

37.   Long queues formed outside bakeries, petrol stations and bank cashpoints.

38.   Long vehicle queues have formed outside service stations as Moscow is gripped by a petrol drought sparked by a production shortfall at the refinery that serves the city.

39.   Long queues formed outside public lavatories and phone boxes and all Albertville restaurants were packed out.

40.   Long queues formed Monday outside schools, churches and police stations and there were several last-minute attempts by potential voters to add their names to electoral lists.

n. + form >>共 1481
line 3.81%
thunderstorm 3.40%
company 3.07%
group 2.68%
party 2.21%
police 1.64%
government 1.49%
shower 1.28%
queue 1.15%
people 0.95%
queue + v. >>共 37
form 32.32%
be 25.00%
stretch 4.88%
begin 4.27%
build_up 3.66%
move 2.44%
remain 2.44%
grow 1.83%
lengthen 1.83%
start 1.83%
每页显示:    共 53