31.   The federation provides signed assurances to the federal government that the agency will resettle the families, who are recognized as refugees by the U.S. Department of State.

32.   The gesture drew laughter and diffused an awkward moment, but it did not necessarily provide assurances of a happy cultural mesh.

33.   The federation provides signed assurances to the federal government that the agency will resettle the families, who are recognized as refugees by the State Department.

34.   The group, which includes some of the main designers of the American nuclear arsenal, found that computer simulations could provide ample assurance that the weapons remained reliable.

35.   The IRA can go part way to providing these assurances by making clear in a new cease-fire declaration that it is abandoning the use of violence.

36.   The probing needle had provided assurances that his shoulder muscles needed only some tidying rather than major renovation.

37.   The problem, they said, is that New York has not provided adequate assurance that it will comply with new federal time limits on welfare payments to families.

38.   With his big belly, drooping mustache and furry back, Jeremy provides visual assurance that there is hope for even the most unkempt of porn consumers.

39.   Rafidah said the wording provided assurance that APEC did not bind its members to action.

40.   A Russian official said Brussels failed to provide assurances that new shipments of food were dioxin free.

v. + assurance >>共 124
give 21.21%
receive 20.49%
want 9.29%
seek 7.89%
offer 7.22%
have 4.08%
provide 3.15%
get 2.43%
win 2.06%
make 1.96%
provide + n. >>共 996
detail 6.39%
information 4.94%
service 4.41%
support 2.30%
evidence 1.86%
assistance 1.63%
security 1.54%
money 1.50%
protection 1.39%
opportunity 1.33%
assurance 0.13%
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