31.   In addition, the Clinton administration has been promoting commercial development of it.

32.   In fact, analysts say, combating human rights abuses and promoting democratic development are essential to the success of any anti-terror campaign.

33.   It may also hurt President Ernesto Zedillo strategy to promote economic development by boosting domestic savings.

34.   Kevin Fong, a general partner at Mayfield Fund, said Lucent might use its venture fund to promote commercial development of technology dreamed up at Bell Labs.

35.   La Nina is expected to promote hurricane development through the remainder of the year.

36.   Last spring, Wang sneaked into China, also trying to promote the development of democracy and was also detained by authorities.

37.   Lycopene is an antioxidant, a substance that quenches DNA-damaging oxidation in cells that can promote the development of cancer.

38.   Officials say they aim to promote economic development involving all sides of a Middle East peace.

39.   One party promises to promote development of the Negev Desert.

40.   Promotes healthy development through dramatic play.

v. + development >>共 677
promote 3.50%
encourage 3.44%
discuss 3.24%
monitor 3.16%
watch 2.97%
include 1.94%
spur 1.90%
follow 1.90%
support 1.72%
await 1.52%
promote + n. >>共 889
growth 2.23%
product 1.75%
use 1.71%
investment 1.66%
development 1.63%
cooperation 1.63%
peace 1.60%
idea 1.49%
tourism 1.38%
democracy 1.37%
每页显示:    共 172