31.   The Vatican and some Islamic countries are seeking to dilute that language, saying it promotes abortion.

32.   U.N. officials say the world organization does not promote abortion as a means of family planning.

33.   A leading Iranian clergyman, Abbas Ali Amid Zanjani, denounced the forum on Sunday, charging that it promoted abortion.

34.   A leading Iranian clergyman, Abbas Ali Amid Zanjani, denounced the conference on Sunday, charging that the forum promoted abortion.

35.   A leading Iranian clergyman, Abbas Ali Amid Zanjani, denounced the confernce on Sunday, charging that the forum promoted abortion.

36.   But the UN action plan for slowing the population boom and boosting development has come under fire from the Vatican which says it promotes abortion.

37.   Delegates have agreed to consider a formula put forward by the European Union to end the controversy over the plan which has come under attack for allegedly promoting abortion.

38.   Top UN officials rejected charges Saturday that the population conference here aims to promote abortion as delegates met amid tight security for preparatory talks.

39.   President Bill Clinton signed a bill Friday releasing aid for overseas birth control programs which had been blocked by lawmakers who charged the US funds were promoting abortion abroad.

40.   The Jamaat charged that the conference was aimed at promoting abortions, extra-marital sex and homosexuality, all forbidden under Islam.

v. + abortion >>共 215
perform 14.71%
have 13.44%
oppose 11.06%
ban 4.72%
seek 4.00%
get 2.74%
outlaw 2.62%
allow 2.22%
provide 2.02%
legalize 1.86%
promote 1.59%
promote + n. >>共 889
growth 2.23%
product 1.75%
use 1.71%
investment 1.66%
development 1.63%
cooperation 1.63%
peace 1.60%
idea 1.49%
tourism 1.38%
democracy 1.37%
abortion 0.38%
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