31.   It is interesting that such a modern product still contains wood, in the form of cellulose, like the cellulose insulation used today.

32.   Many organic food suppliers take great care to assure their products do not contain modified ingredients and say so on their packaging.

33.   Most of the ginseng products containing alcohol were not imported by licensed agents, an agency official said.

34.   Most pharmaceutical products contain ingredients derived from tallow and gelatin made from cattle.

35.   Most products contain synthetic versions of both estrogen and progesterone.

36.   Now most new products contain moisture-whipped ingredients that give a shiny, glossy look.

37.   On the other hand, stating on a label that a product does not contain genetically modified ingredients could be a way to attract customers concerned about genetic engineering.

38.   Other products contain forms of the human growth hormone, a compound secreted by the pituitary gland, which plays a role in cell growth.

39.   One thing the new packages will not include is a warning label or a symbol prominently declaring that a given product contains allergens.

40.   Representatives of the toy industry, however, said toys undergo dozens of safety tests and that products contain sufficient warnings.

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