31.   Cheney was briefed yesterday on fuel cells, a technology in which electricity is produced using hydrogen.

32.   Coal is widely considered to be the cheapest fuel for producing electricity.

33.   Dams always have been essential to hydropower because the turbines that produce the electricity require an extremely forceful, confined flow of water to work.

34.   Demand crept up as power plants began using natural gas, which burns relatively cleanly, to produce electricity.

35.   Different suppliers produce the electricity, transmit it and deliver it.

36.   Electricity is produced when a wave hits the paddles and rotates the turning drum and the pulleys.

37.   Endesa had to produce more electricity at its diesel generators or buy expensive electricity from coal- and oil-fired generators during the first five months of the year.

38.   Enron, he said, was required to make its monthly payment to the Connecticut agency regardless of whether it produced any electricity.

39.   Fuel cells produce electricity by a chemical reaction rather than by combustion, and are widely considered to be a promising new energy technology.

40.   Fuel cells use hydrogen from various fossil fuels to drive an electrochemical reaction that produces electricity, with water the sole byproduct.

v. + electricity >>共 208
generate 10.15%
produce 7.36%
have 7.19%
sell 6.66%
cut 5.49%
provide 5.10%
buy 4.62%
restore 4.44%
supply 4.14%
use 3.79%
produce + n. >>共 1722
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evidence 1.86%
weapon 1.01%
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