31.   But they did indicate their awareness that their rulings on such matters could have a significant impact on privacy rights in the future.

32.   By themselves, technological changes have always presented a challenge to individual privacy rights.

33.   Chief Justice William Rehnquist has always opposed the Roe v. Wade decision that found an implied privacy right to abortion in the Constitution.

34.   Civil libertarians and judges have also criticized the new measures, saying they violate privacy rights.

35.   Civil liberties advocates warn that the measures could violate privacy rights.

36.   Clinton also may have scored public-relations points by saying his chief accusers are politically motivated, and by invoking his privacy rights.

37.   Congress is now grappling with how to protect the privacy rights of children who unknowingly forfeit personal information when contacting these web sites.

38.   Data from Equifax might be used by Decisioneering Group, but the privacy rights of individuals will be protected, Chapman said.

39.   DNA, retinal scans and face-recognition cameras are technologies that can help catch criminals if the public is willing to give away some privacy rights.

40.   Doctors and insurers could not insist that people surrender their privacy rights as a condition of getting treatment or insurance.

n. + right >>共 1333
abortion 17.98%
property 9.80%
minority 2.88%
television 2.67%
privacy 2.19%
land 2.00%
labor 1.84%
visitation 1.39%
free-speech 1.31%
worker 1.27%
privacy + n. >>共 186
advocate 11.51%
law 11.26%
right 7.78%
concern 7.57%
policy 7.05%
issue 6.85%
protection 5.39%
rule 3.42%
group 3.16%
legislation 2.02%
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