31.   French rules pre-dating the European laws force insurers to give this prior notice before launching new insurance products, the Commission said.

32.   He said government policies and regulations could change without prior notice and by tradition, China is a country ruled more by men than by law.

33.   He said the operation was carried out without prior notice to the owners.

34.   Marina rules and regulations prohibit the abandonment of route through the unauthorized withdrawals of vessel without prior notice or approval.

35.   Radio manager Boban Nikolic said the station had received no prior notice about the shutdown.

36.   The engineers returned after midnight Sunday with cutting equipment and heavy lifting gear to remove the extensive barriers, again without prior notice.

37.   The minister said the workers had failed to give prior notice of strike action, as required by law.

38.   The Russian request was in compliance with the eight-day prior notice rule, he said, refusing to specify when the request had been made.

39.   The two-day prior notification requirement would also apply to daycare facilities, which must provide postings indicating prior notice.

40.   This, Rashid said, included prior notice in visiting sites the government considers sensitive.

a. + notice >>共 290
further 23.98%
short 20.87%
public 4.65%
prior 2.88%
official 2.38%
formal 1.94%
written 1.61%
proper 1.27%
warning 1.27%
adequate 1.05%
prior + n. >>共 971
approval 5.18%
knowledge 3.38%
year 2.68%
record 2.59%
commitment 2.32%
conviction 2.19%
experience 1.95%
permission 1.83%
notice 1.58%
agreement 1.49%
每页显示:    共 52