31.   Her own government, led by Khaleda Zia, a woman prime minister, was unable or unwilling to stand by her.

32.   If parliament disbands, general elections will be held for parliament and prime minister and Netanyahu will be allowed to run.

33.   In less than three months, Dervis has soared to the top of public opinion polls and is being touted as a future prime minister.

34.   In Turkey, the caretaker prime minister, Tansu Ciller, seems to be anticipating new elections with her recent hard-line statements.

35.   Investors, encouraged by the election of a tough-talking prime minister, Junichiro Koizumi, bid up stocks in April and May.

36.   It did not hurt that the prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, sent him a sketch of an eight-point star as a suggestion.

37.   Its caretaker prime minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, looks canny and persuasive.

38.   Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto will form a new Cabinet today after he is re-elected prime minister by the parliament.

39.   Jiang was accompanied by Qian Qichen, who serves as the Chinese deputy prime minister and foreign minister.

40.   Kono is a former deputy prime minister who has also served as foreign minister in a previous government.

a. + minister >>共 392
cabinet 16.57%
interior 11.93%
former 10.11%
chief 4.14%
new 3.20%
prime 3.06%
senior 2.89%
the 2.17%
state 1.76%
israeli 1.48%
prime + n. >>共 620
suspect 11.09%
minister 9.44%
target 7.95%
example 7.93%
candidate 4.00%
contractor 2.28%
location 1.60%
concern 1.56%
spot 1.51%
reason 1.44%
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