31.   The president has ordered the Justice Department not to defend the provision in court.

32.   The president is ordering the bombings, which have had excellent political timing, but sometimes poor accuracy.

33.   The president ordered stepped-up police protection for Christian communities, churches and monuments across Pakistan, and told police to spare no effort in tracking down the killers.

34.   The president then ordered commandos to take strategic positions in an elaborate series of tunnels constructed beneath the residence over the past two months.

35.   The tapes revealed that six days after the break-in, the president had personally ordered a cover-up.

36.   The timing of the attack prompted many Republicans to suggest that the president ordered the air strikes in a desperate effort to save his political life.

37.   They told us the president ordered all planes grounded.

38.   To start with, a president can order the Justice Department to drop the case against Ms. Kasinga, who has suffered more than enough.

39.   Under Taft-Hartley, the president can order an injunction to stop a strike or lockout only if national health or safety is endangered.

40.   What the White House and the Democratic leaders want to avoid is a clear vote on whether to authorize the president to order an invasion.

n. + order >>共 718
judge 13.92%
court 13.08%
government 10.81%
authority 4.87%
official 4.72%
police 3.31%
doctor 2.62%
president 1.60%
leader 1.26%
magistrate 1.15%
president + v. >>共 673
be 11.15%
say 7.53%
have 4.79%
make 2.04%
meet 1.35%
take 1.34%
want 1.26%
speak 1.06%
call 1.00%
sign 1.00%
order 0.49%
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