31.   Why, he pointed out, he had promised to help train Central American law-enforcement officers, and to help improve education and preserve the environment.

32.   A Wildlife and National Parks Department official said structure plans were important documents to guide local authorities in preserving the environment.

33.   But those same groups have also begun pushing for greater autonomy, including the right to police their own lands, to preserve their environment.

34.   Companies that join are asked to commit themselves to nine principles embodied in U.N. treaties to promote international human rights and fair labor practices and preserve the environment.

35.   Conservation group wants to enlist farmers in preserving environment.

36.   Discussions at the conference suggested that some short-term economic growth might have to be sacrificed to preserve the environment, a potentially unpopular idea among poorer countries.

37.   Developers, government officials and environmentalists have been wrangling for years to determine how to expand while preserving the environment and limiting noise levels.

38.   Each of us must help to preserve the environment.

39.   Even more importantly, she added, efficient and effectively managed clinical waste preserved the environment from hazardous waste.

40.   He said nations of the world face new challenges in fulfilling promises to preserve the environment and build a suatainable economic order in the decades to come.

v. + environment >>共 293
protect 22.84%
create 8.19%
damage 6.12%
harm 5.72%
improve 4.49%
preserve 3.03%
pollute 2.86%
destroy 2.19%
help 2.19%
provide 1.91%
preserve + n. >>共 955
peace 1.86%
job 1.63%
environment 1.52%
integrity 1.52%
tie 1.41%
victory 1.32%
right 1.30%
history 1.13%
land 1.13%
memory 1.07%
每页显示:    共 54