31.   There is no predatory pricing.

32.   Their libertarian side came out as they fiercely lobbied the House Transportation Committee to kill government guidelines to curb predatory pricing.

33.   This does not mean, though, that predatory pricing is always a figment of populist imaginations.

34.   This is the worst kind of predatory marketing and predatory pricing.

35.   This leaves Microsoft officials wondering aloud what all the fuss is about, since predatory pricing typically means selling a product for far less than a competitor.

36.   This year, complaints accusing Air Canada of predatory pricing have been filed with antitrust authorities by three discount carriers, WestJet Airlines, CanJet Airlines and Roots Air.

37.   ValuJet accuses the competition of predatory pricing.

38.   Wal-Mart Stores was found not guilty of predatory pricing by a sharply divided Arkansas Supreme Court.

39.   Wal-Mart Stores Inc. was found not guilty of predatory pricing by a sharply divided Arkansas Supreme Court on Monday.

40.   He also questioned the provision banning predatory pricing which prevents major oil firms from underselling their competitors by offering oil below their production and operation cost.

a. + pricing >>共 153
predatory 12.33%
competitive 10.41%
aggressive 7.12%
decimal 4.66%
unfair 2.19%
final 1.92%
fair 1.92%
low 1.92%
attractive 1.64%
new 1.64%
predatory + n. >>共 181
pricing 11.87%
practice 7.65%
behavior 5.01%
bird 3.96%
lender 3.96%
fish 3.17%
priest 1.85%
animal 1.85%
dinosaur 1.85%
loan 1.85%
每页显示:    共 45