31.   At the same time, new landfill regulations called for closing thousands of local dumps because of their potential threat to ground water.

32.   Bentsen said the seven-member review team will examine potential threats to the White House from the ground and the air.

33.   Besides McCain, Bush faces a potential threat from Steve Forbes, who ran second in Iowa.

34.   A federal appeals court last month ruled that Microsoft had repeatedly abused its monopoly power in thwarting the potential threat from Internet software.

35.   A counterterrorism FBI unit in Washington, D.C., has been tracking any potential threats to the Goodwill Games.

36.   A Microsoft security official said the company had decided to publicize the potential threat to allow computer users to be vigilant for an attack.

37.   A Justice Department spokesman said the department does not plan to change how and when it warns state and local officials of potential terrorist threats.

38.   A second potential threat is competition.

39.   A peek into the refrigerators of the apartments reveals yet another potential threat to the occupants.

40.   Advocates of the proposed process, which included many public college presidents, said critics were overplaying the potential threat and underplaying the need for change.

a. + threat >>共 500
serious 5.58%
terrorist 4.61%
potential 3.55%
new 3.00%
biggest 2.94%
military 2.74%
immediate 2.39%
real 2.28%
greatest 2.24%
major 1.93%
potential + n. >>共 910
buyer 4.24%
problem 3.38%
candidate 2.75%
investor 2.38%
customer 2.24%
threat 1.72%
target 1.62%
juror 1.61%
partner 1.29%
danger 1.22%
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