31.   Past attempts to remove government subsidies had met with popular discontent and, on occasions, violent protests.

32.   Popular discontent breeds violence that is usually a vent for social and economic frustrations.

33.   Popular discontent is mounting in Croatia, as the majority of people find themselves living in poverty after the eight-year-long rule by President Franjo Tudjman.

34.   Popular discontent mushroomed into armed revolt in February after thousands of Albanians lost their life savings in failed financial schemes.

35.   Popular discontent ran so high that very few islanders objected last year when a group of young soldiers staged a coup and imprisoned Trovoada.

36.   A collapse in the value of the rupiah triggered massive unemployment and a depression that fueled popular discontent against his iron-fisted rule.

37.   A collapse in the value of the rupiah triggered massive unemployment and a depression that fueled popular discontent against his authoritarian rule.

38.   Both sides warned that popular discontent could explode if the crisis continues.

39.   Both U.S. and European authorities were wary that widespread poverty would spawn popular discontent and allow communists to make inroads.

40.   But political scandals and an economic slump over the past three years have prompted a growing wave of popular discontent with the government.

a. + discontent >>共 106
public 17.23%
popular 15.37%
widespread 12.33%
growing 9.12%
social 6.59%
simmering 3.04%
economic 2.87%
rising 2.53%
political 2.03%
domestic 1.52%
popular + n. >>共 1191
culture 3.92%
support 3.74%
vote 2.98%
music 2.11%
tourist 1.56%
destination 1.28%
program 1.21%
sport 1.18%
figure 1.08%
belief 1.00%
discontent 0.54%
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