31.   The players were in poor condition, but the coach quickly whipped them into shape.

32.   He is in poor condition.

33.   Mohawk leaders claimed that their action had focused world attention on land compensation claims of Canadian Indians and on the poor living conditions on reservations.

34.   He also appealed to the federal government to address the grievances of the Indians, which included land compensation claims and poor living conditions.

35.   By early September several thousand of these soldiers had mutinied over the non-payment of wages and the poor conditions in the confinement areas.

36.   The western section is already at an acceptable standard but the east section is in poor condition, virtually unusable when wet.

37.   Remains exist of one or two stone Romanesque rotunda churches in Prague, but these are in poor condition and are, in general, small and primitive.

38.   It is not only the government who is to blame for the poor conditions of domestic workers.

39.   If a body was in poor condition, family viewing was virtually impossible due, in some cases, to lack of expertise.

40.   Our opinion at that time was that permanent endoscopic biliary drainage in CP should be reserved for patients whose poor clinical condition made an operation unsuitable.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
poor + n. >>共 917
people 5.56%
country 4.79%
performance 3.63%
health 3.05%
family 2.95%
condition 2.69%
child 2.06%
neighborhood 1.95%
nation 1.73%
weather 1.60%
每页显示:    共 522