31.   In their place, many officials pushed for new policies to help lift the inland provinces out of poverty.

32.   Instead, unwittingly, Western policy has helped smash that vibrant middle class in both countries.

33.   Last week, central bank Governor Yasuo Matsushita said the bank will maintain its low-interest-rate policy to help the economy.

34.   Labor leaders said they hoped their new policy would help persuade Congress to pass an amnesty law that would enable immigrant workers to stand up for their rights.

35.   Last week, central bank Gov. Yasuo Matsushita said the bank will maintain its current low-interest-rate policy to help the economy.

36.   One area is real estate, which tax policy has helped keep in a slump for years.

37.   Policies should help them earn a livelihood from the forests even as they manage and conserve them, he said.

38.   Stocks have been volatile this week amid divergent views on how much the new credit policy will help the economy and stocks.

39.   Still, the new policy should help ensure journal readers that articles are not being written through a drug-industry filter.

40.   Tax policy helps as well, because donations are deductible.

n. + help >>共 1529
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policy + v. >>共 703
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