31.   The police ordered them to stop.

32.   The next night, after police ordered everyone to leave town, about two dozen people refused to climb into the Coast Guard boats plying the streets.

33.   The police also ordered all restaurants and clubs in Tel Aviv to be evacuated.

34.   The police ordered the women and children to go to Albania, and demanded identity documents from the males.

35.   The police ordered him to come out and show his hands.

36.   The police then ordered the hotel staff to divide the ballroom into three sections using partitions, and they forbade anyone to make a speech during the dinner.

37.   The throngs are there on weekends, sometimes so many people that police will order the entrance closed and reroute traffic away from the Cow Palace.

38.   Under cross-examination, Azizan said the police had ordered him to change the date.

39.   Within minutes, Capitol police had ordered their evacuation.

40.   Police had ordered the demonstrators to disperse, then opened fire with birdshot, rubber bullets and tear gas on those who did not leave, the witnesses said.

n. + order >>共 718
judge 13.92%
court 13.08%
government 10.81%
authority 4.87%
official 4.72%
police 3.31%
doctor 2.62%
president 1.60%
leader 1.26%
magistrate 1.15%
police + v. >>共 510
say 30.33%
arrest 4.21%
be 3.14%
find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
have 1.69%
fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
detain 1.33%
use 1.17%
order 0.23%
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