31.   He plays down his role, contending that he has had little influence on decision-making and no part in military or police operations.

32.   He said the police operation had produced more evidence than before on organized logistical and financial support from abroad for Islamic terrorist operations here.

33.   He later played a role in the elaborate police undercover operation against the former employee.

34.   In Britain, by contrast, police flying operations are subject to the same rules as commercial ones.

35.   Investigating judges act as district attorney and grand jury as well as supervisor of police operations in criminal cases.

36.   Joint police operations have been carried out to arrest militants, and the two countries are cooperating in intelligence gathering.

37.   Miller is a close friend of Bratton who accompanied him on police operations and frequently dined with him after work hours.

38.   Most residents, businesspeople and others I spoke with said police operations and neighborhood organizing efforts have definitely helped.

39.   Police drug operations across Texas have drawn scrutiny for months.

40.   Several blocks surrounding the hotel were sealed off, and thousands of curious and nervous bystanders watched the police operation.

n. + operation >>共 731
rescue 8.60%
relief 2.61%
police 2.56%
security 2.40%
search 2.39%
heart 2.27%
business 1.94%
sting 1.74%
bypass 1.68%
basketball 1.67%
police + n. >>共 515
spokesman 9.77%
official 7.94%
chief 4.26%
car 3.33%
source 2.97%
department 2.95%
report 2.28%
headquarters 2.25%
custody 2.13%
investigation 1.87%
operation 0.70%
每页显示:    共 292