31.   Police closed their investigations without finding suspicious circumstances.

32.   Police quickly close coffeeshops caught selling hard drugs.

33.   So many people gathered to watch him carry the torch along upper Witherspoon Street that the police abruptly closed it.

34.   That same day, the police closed the Znameniye print house, which had been producing state-approved leaflets for the Goncharik campaign.

35.   The investigations also allowed the police to close down several apartments used for drug selling.

36.   The police closed a three-month investigation of Weizman with the recommendation that he not be prosecuted for accepting substantial payments from a French investor.

37.   The police closed the highway shortly after being called, causing massive traffic jams in the morning rush hour on a major highway linking downtown Honolulu and the airport.

38.   The Presidential Inaugural Opening Ceremony will conflict with rush hour and police are closing Memorial Bridge across the Potomac River for security reasons.

39.   The police closed bridges to many barrier islands Thursday because stretches of road were submerged or blocked by debris.

40.   The police closed the main road from Pristina to Pec soon after dawn.

n. + close >>共 1191
price 11.89%
market 6.40%
stock 6.36%
share 3.02%
police 2.82%
future 2.32%
index 2.22%
authority 2.19%
company 1.75%
official 1.75%
police + v. >>共 510
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arrest 4.21%
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find 1.94%
investigate 1.72%
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fire 1.56%
believe 1.43%
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