31.   Lloyd said the players deserved to be played commensurate with their ability but negotiations should have been completed long before the tour started.

32.   Lloyd said the players deserved to be well paid, but said negotiations should have been completed before the tour started.

33.   Later, an emotional Uruguayan coach Victor Pua told reporters his players fully deserved the triumph.

34.   The players deserve more.

35.   The players do deserve to be here.

n. + deserve >>共 699
team 3.68%
people 3.38%
player 2.08%
man 1.78%
fan 1.48%
child 1.36%
public 1.36%
government 1.25%
woman 1.19%
issue 1.07%
player + v. >>共 863
be 16.60%
have 6.03%
say 2.95%
make 1.77%
get 1.72%
go 1.63%
take 1.58%
do 1.48%
come 1.18%
know 1.17%
deserve 0.12%
每页显示:    共 35