31.   Sometimes the pieces fit better than others.

32.   Something about the lonely, isolated images she collected started the movie rolling in her mind, and she began to think about how the pieces fit together.

33.   So much depends on how the pieces actually fit together, and whether one training camp and a regular season is long enough for the perfect chemistry to develop.

34.   Still, the pieces fit snugly, and the interior materials seemed to be of good quality.

35.   That said, econometric models remain the most rigorous statements of what is known about how the pieces fit together.

36.   The band members joke with one another, but when they start to play they get serious, and each piece fits together seamlessly.

37.   The changes were sweeping, and employees struggled to see how the pieces all fit together.

38.   The last piece may not fit exactly as planned, no matter how much it is trimmed and shaved.

39.   The pieces all fit in the first round.

40.   The pieces would not fit together.

n. + fit >>共 979
piece 2.69%
punishment 1.95%
description 1.79%
shoe 1.48%
size 1.00%
name 0.90%
people 0.84%
glove 0.74%
clothes 0.69%
door 0.58%
piece + v. >>共 415
be 38.70%
have 4.15%
include 3.16%
come 2.66%
fall 2.30%
fit 2.30%
look 1.71%
seem 1.58%
make 1.31%
go 1.22%
每页显示:    共 51