31.   The phone rang and, half-asleep, Winston fumbled about to find the receiver.

32.   The phone rang as she made her way down the hall.

33.   The phone rang at regular intervals all afternoon.

34.   The phone rang at three in the morning.

35.   The phone rang just as he stepped out of the shower.

36.   The phone rang nine minutes later.

37.   The phone rang, breaking my train of thought.

38.   The phone rings, though, so it looks as if somebody pays the phone bills.

39.   The phone was ringing but by the time she got indoors, it had stopped.

40.   The phones rang day and night.

n. + ring >>共 458
phone 26.89%
bell 11.80%
shot 7.74%
telephone 7.58%
doorbell 2.57%
police 2.25%
gunshot 2.13%
gunfire 1.30%
word 1.26%
troop 0.83%
phone + v. >>共 257
ring 33.56%
be 16.46%
reach 4.88%
have 2.91%
contact 2.66%
go 2.61%
work 2.22%
start 2.17%
stop 1.53%
call 1.48%
每页显示:    共 677