31.   Last October, more than a quarter million people demonstrated in sympathy with the parents of missing and murdered children and to demand an explanation from the government.

32.   Last October, over a quarter million people demonstrated in sympathy with the parents of missing and murdered children and to demand an explanation from the government.

33.   Several dozen people demonstrated outside the office of Latvian President Guntis Ulmanis on Tuesday to protest the proposals, which the Cabinet has said it favors.

34.   Several hundred people demonstrated Sunday outside Vatican Radio, accusing it of polluting the air with electromagnetic waves.

35.   Several thousand people demonstrated Saturday for a political solution to the Kurdish crisis and independent access to imprisoned Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan.

36.   Several thousand people were demonstrating in Ocosingo to protest the massacre in the village of Acteal and to demand the resumption of stalled peace talks with the rebels.

37.   Several hundred people demonstrated at a Russian checkpoint outside Celic on Wednesday.

38.   Several thousand people demonstrated at a teaching institute in Ujungpandang on Sulawesi Island, northeast of the capital, the newspaper Suara Pembaruan reported.

39.   Several thousand people demonstrated in Ankara and Istanbul on Thursday against a U.S. strike on Iraq in its standoff with the United Nations over weapons inspections.

40.   The Interior Ministry appealed to people to demonstrate peacefully and not carry arms.

n. + demonstrate >>共 788
thousand 4.06%
student 3.26%
people 3.04%
study 2.47%
hundred 2.12%
case 1.94%
protester 1.76%
group 1.46%
company 1.24%
activist 1.19%
people + v. >>共 719
be 13.89%
have 4.14%
die 3.56%
say 2.67%
think 2.15%
want 2.12%
get 1.42%
go 1.34%
come 1.33%
take 1.32%
demonstrate 0.08%
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