31.   That sale is pending federal review.

32.   That special shareholders meeting has not yet been scheduled, pending a review of the proxy statement by the Securities and Exchange Commission.

33.   The Bordeaux plant, also owned by the group TotalFinaElf, is to remain closed pending a review of its overall safety.

34.   The bill, approved Thursday pending a review of the language, is expected to be taken up by the House and Senate this session.

35.   The compromise also adds new rules to allow admission of evidence in court of prior offenses in sex cases, pending a review of judges.

36.   The FCC has essentially looked the other way, pending a review of that rule.

37.   The force was suspended pending a review of the shooting.

38.   The INS then appealed to the Board of Immigration Appeals, which recently ordered Ahmed released on bond pending its review of his case.

39.   The force has since been suspended pending a review of the shooting.

40.   The Navy has since halted the practice of allowing civilians to take the controls of military equipment, pending a review.

v. + review >>共 344
receive 7.31%
complete 6.01%
conduct 5.52%
get 4.68%
draw 3.15%
order 3.04%
pend 2.83%
mix 2.76%
write 2.27%
include 2.24%
pend + n. >>共 262
investigation 11.52%
outcome 10.53%
appeal 8.50%
approval 6.23%
notification 5.96%
trial 5.09%
hearing 4.51%
result 3.26%
decision 3.20%
announcement 2.62%
review 2.36%
每页显示:    共 80