31.   The peaceful protests must, of course, be allowed to continue, although many of the anti-globalization arguments are thin.

32.   The Portadown Orange Lodge spokesman, David Jones, called for peaceful protests but said the Orange Order could not be held responsible for the actions of its supporters.

33.   The protests spread to Germany on Saturday as tens of thousands of people held peaceful protests in several cities, including Berlin, Stuttgart and Bonn.

34.   The pair was busily organizing Redwood Summer, a series of peaceful protests against the destruction of old-growth forests.

35.   The peaceful protest drew national publicity, sparking civil disobedience that led to integration in restaurants and public accommodations.

36.   The peaceful protest marked the anniversary of the murder of the Jesuit priests, the woman and the girl.

37.   The strikers engaged in what were mostly peaceful protests in cities all over the country.

38.   The union was a leader of peaceful protests at the recent World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle and outspokenly opposed the North American Free Trade Agreement.

39.   They have permits for the peaceful protest and no arrests are planned.

40.   They praised the role that peaceful protests have played in putting issues such as debt relief on the international agenda.

a. + protest >>共 542
street 8.24%
violent 6.65%
anti-government 3.74%
similar 3.18%
daily 2.78%
peaceful 2.72%
angry 2.47%
public 2.37%
strong 2.25%
mass 2.12%
peaceful + n. >>共 578
solution 12.12%
settlement 7.61%
protest 6.19%
resolution 5.06%
demonstration 5.06%
mean 3.36%
purpose 3.32%
end 3.17%
use 2.04%
transition 1.98%
每页显示:    共 289