31.   Before turning it over to Chibana, he said he wanted the land to be used for peaceful ends.

32.   But efforts to find a peaceful end to the conflict failed during the SADC annual summit held on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius.

33.   But negotiators, who have been in telephone contact with the hijackers via a Turkish translator, maintained that they were seeking a peaceful end to the hostage drama.

34.   Chinese Premier Li Peng urged Croatia to work for a peaceful end to the violence in the former Yugoslavia.

35.   Despite numerous attempts, the U.N. has had little success at negotiating a peaceful end to the protracted and bitter conflict.

36.   Diplomats from the United States and European countries were seeking to negotiate a peaceful end to the latest crisis in this impoverished Balkan country.

37.   Diplomats have been upbeat about a peaceful end to the crisis since a meeting Tuesday between government negotiators and Tupac Amaru rebels.

38.   Downer and Goff, in a delegation with representatives from Botswana and Malaysia, hope to encourage a peaceful end to the troubles.

39.   Dozens of banner-waving Japanese youths rallied near the residence Sunday for a peaceful end to the standoff.

40.   Diplomats have been upbeat for a peaceful end to the crisis after contact resumed between the government and Tupac Amaru rebels.

a. + end >>共 474
defensive 19.11%
the 13.49%
very 2.39%
far 2.19%
high 2.16%
front 1.93%
immediate 1.87%
southern 1.83%
receiving 1.82%
low 1.78%
peaceful 1.38%
peaceful + n. >>共 578
solution 12.12%
settlement 7.61%
protest 6.19%
resolution 5.06%
demonstration 5.06%
mean 3.36%
purpose 3.32%
end 3.17%
use 2.04%
transition 1.98%
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