31.   Past winners include Carol Burnett, Angela Lansbury, Tracey Ullman and Garry Marshall.

32.   Past winners include Dave Meggett, John Friesz and Steve McNair.

33.   Past winners include George C. Scott, Frances Sternhagen, Calista Flockhart and James Woods.

34.   Past winners include Marc Chagall, Charlie Chaplin and Ingmar Bergman.

35.   Past winners include pitcher Dwight Gooden, first baseman Frank Thomas and shortstop Derek Jeter.

36.   Past Heisman winners also vote.

37.   Past winners have included five former presidents plus Andrew Young, Tom Landry, Bob Hope and John Wayne.

38.   Past winners have included Wallace Stevens, E.E. Cummings, Robert Penn Warren and Archibald MacLeish.

39.   Past winners include such luminaries as Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and Allan Nevins.

40.   Past winners of the award include Mickey Mantle, Sandy Koufax, Pete Rose, Lou Brock and Tony Conigliaro.

a. + winner >>共 633
big 8.22%
two-time 6.29%
forehand 4.63%
clear 3.75%
biggest 3.19%
former 3.19%
previous 3.17%
eventual 2.76%
past 2.62%
first 2.15%
past + n. >>共 434
year 24.95%
week 14.09%
month 8.81%
decade 7.27%
day 4.65%
season 4.62%
game 2.47%
couple 1.47%
weekend 0.86%
president 0.76%
winner 0.41%
每页显示:    共 128