31.   The bill now is languishing on the House floor, subject to lengthy debate and parliamentary maneuvers that will allow numerous amendments and substitutes designed to kill the measure.

32.   The bill has died repeatedly in the Senate during the last six years through Republican-led filibusters or parliamentary maneuvers.

33.   The rules of the trial are a mix of criminal court procedures and Senate parliamentary maneuvers.

34.   There are still plenty of parliamentary maneuvers available, and citizens should remain vigilant to special-interest goodies being slipped into otherwise innocuous bills.

35.   Using filibusters, indefinite holds, and other parliamentary maneuvers, Helms and other senators have wrested much of the power over nominations away from recent presidents.

36.   Walker made a distinction between his parliamentary maneuvers in the minority and those of the Democrats now.

37.   Wellstone has pledged to use parliamentary maneuvers to try to force a vote on Hormel as soon as the Senate completes work on the tobacco legislation.

38.   When the House takes up the resolution of impeachment, the Democrats are planning a longshot parliamentary maneuver to substitute a vote on censure instead.

39.   During a debate in December, the European Union used a parliamentary maneuver to derail a vote.

40.   During the December debate, members of the European Union used a parliamentary maneuver to derail a vote by proposing that Secretary-General Kofi Annan study the idea.

a. + maneuver >>共 406
military 14.20%
joint 7.20%
legal 4.57%
naval 3.67%
political 3.19%
parliamentary 3.05%
such 1.39%
chinese 1.39%
procedural 1.32%
difficult 1.25%
parliamentary + n. >>共 557
election 22.27%
committee 5.27%
majority 4.49%
session 3.43%
immunity 3.40%
speaker 3.36%
seat 3.33%
approval 3.26%
debate 3.07%
commission 2.52%
maneuver 0.48%
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