31.   The pace never slows, even when Rainbow Six is doing routine drills back at the base.

32.   The pace of negotiations slowed Tuesday for several reasons, notable among them the fact that many team officials attended the funeral of former Tampa Bay owner Hugh Culverhouse.

33.   The pace of play slowed to a crawl as the second period dragged on without a score.

34.   The pace slowed Friday.

35.   The pace does occasionally slow.

36.   The pace of deliveries slowed and inventories fell, hinting at a pickup in demand, according to analysts at MMS International in San Francisco.

37.   The pace had slowed, too, at the office of District Attorney Thomas F. Reilly, according to spokesman Brian Heffron.

38.   The pace has slowed since then, but not by much.

39.   The pace has slowed.

40.   The pace may have slowed in December, fund companies said.

n. + slow >>共 837
economy 22.76%
growth 16.39%
sale 4.11%
rate 1.78%
demand 1.65%
injury 1.62%
inflation 1.56%
pace 1.49%
activity 1.39%
business 1.34%
pace + v. >>共 221
be 33.49%
slow 6.31%
pick_up 5.86%
quicken 3.39%
say 2.38%
continue 2.38%
seem 1.92%
have 1.83%
accelerate 1.56%
make 1.46%
每页显示:    共 69