31.   Parliament reconfirmed Wednesday a Socialist-sponsored amendment to the land restitution law, which President Zhelyu Zhelev had suspended, charging it encroaches on private ownership rights.

32.   Poland acquired the ownership rights to former German territories by the decision of the Allied Conference which overruled property rights of former owners, he said.

33.   Aid donors insist land reform honors constitutional and ownership rights, including compensation linked to the market value of land, before they will provide aid.

34.   Angry lawmakers of the anti-Communist opposition said Wednesday they would take to the Supreme Court a planned Socialist-sponsored amendment they charge restricts private ownership rights.

35.   Angry lawmakers of the anti-Communist opposition said Wednesday they would go to high court to challenge a planned Socialist-sponsored amendment they charge restricts private ownership rights.

36.   Britain has said it could not support rapid land acquisition that abandoned ownership rights and lacked transparency and was unlikely to alleviate poverty.

37.   Britain said it could not support rapid land acquisition that abandoned ownership rights and lacked transparency and was unlikely to alleviate poverty.

38.   Britain said the plan would harm investor confidence, violate ownership rights and was unlikely to benefit the poor.

39.   He has repeatedly assailed the Duma for blocking his economic plans, which include calls for tax reform and expanded land ownership rights.

40.   However, the international organization would have no ownership rights.

n. + right >>共 1333
abortion 17.98%
property 9.80%
minority 2.88%
television 2.67%
privacy 2.19%
land 2.00%
labor 1.84%
visitation 1.39%
free-speech 1.31%
worker 1.27%
ownership 0.86%
ownership + n. >>共 203
group 11.78%
stake 8.32%
structure 5.77%
rule 5.60%
right 4.86%
limit 4.20%
restriction 4.20%
interest 4.12%
change 3.79%
dispute 2.97%
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