31.   Each day, hundreds of butterflies and pupae are shipped out on overnight mail.

32.   Judge Mary Work, who is hearing the petitions, ordered a report of the current case to be sent by overnight mail to the two women in England.

33.   National League president Len Coleman said Wednesday the umpires received the lockout notification by overnight mail.

34.   The letter, complete with charts and graphs, was sent by overnight mail as the opposing sides were deep into another lull in talks.

35.   The post office is protected from competition in the delivery of first-class mail but must compete with private companies for overnight mail and package delivery.

36.   The U.S. Postal Service has established performance goals in most of the nation with the aim of delivering local mail overnight within each area.

37.   Umpires were sent the lockout notices by overnight mail, National League president Len Coleman said.

a. + mail >>共 363
regular 5.31%
express 3.72%
incoming 3.54%
first-class 3.36%
overnight 3.27%
suspicious 3.27%
international 2.12%
new 1.95%
tainted 1.68%
unopened 1.59%
overnight + n. >>共 792
gain 4.61%
loan 4.36%
rally 3.64%
bank 3.06%
decline 3.04%
fall 2.98%
rate 2.93%
stay 2.74%
rain 2.42%
rise 2.14%
mail 0.69%
每页显示:    共 37