31.   He said the operation involves risks.

32.   Mkapa was quoted as saying the operation would also involve Kenya to end the harrassment.

33.   Police said Tuesday that the operation involved millions of dollars, although it was not possible to specify a figure.

34.   Sources say the operation would involve soldiers from the Royal Canadian Regiment and the Royal Canadian Dragoons in Petawawa, Ont., and the Princess Patricias in Calgary.

35.   That operation involves a part of northern Iraq controlled by Iraqi Kurds who want independence from Baghdad.

36.   Such operations could involve both NATO and non-member countries, the official said.

37.   Such operations could involve both NATO members and non-members.

38.   That operation involves American hovercraft, light armored vehicles, helicopters and Harrier aircraft along with four Albanian platoons, helicopters, patrol boats and mine sweepers.

39.   The anti-dengue operations should involve all members of society,households and schoolchildren.

40.   The Israelis have said the operation has involved the arrest of hundreds of suspected militants and the seizure of large caches of weapons and explosives.

n. + involve >>共 1669
case 6.64%
project 1.64%
plan 1.47%
deal 1.33%
incident 1.33%
process 1.24%
issue 1.15%
dispute 1.09%
change 1.01%
problem 0.98%
operation 0.69%
operation + v. >>共 581
be 31.47%
continue 5.85%
begin 4.08%
take 3.94%
go 2.69%
have 2.57%
last 1.51%
resume 1.25%
involve 1.25%
include 1.21%
每页显示:    共 62