31.   The only clue was that her car was missing.

32.   The only clues are the name and the packaging, which shows a baby girl dressed in a raincoat, with big drops of water falling all around.

33.   The only other clues are strands of very fine hair and a strange tattoo.

34.   They may be the only clues you are going to get about the condition of your ovaries.

35.   Tire tracks nearby seemed to be the only clue.

36.   But the quiet teen-ager spent Thursday morning enjoying the sunshine in southern New Hampshire, his distended and discolored left leg the only clue something was wrong.

37.   Now rusting, junked carnival rides are the only clues that people once danced, laughed and loved at the old fairground near the unfinished independence monument.

38.   The only clue is a slight bump under the carpet where the two are joined.

39.   The only clue that the hospital uses ancient healing methods is the bitter, pervasive scent of herbs and roots.

40.   The only clue is a lack of security checkpoints, and the effigies of King Gyanendra hanging from bushes.

a. + clue >>共 265
first 9.14%
important 5.95%
new 5.75%
only 4.21%
vital 3.49%
further 3.39%
possible 3.08%
tantalizing 2.16%
immediate 2.16%
valuable 2.05%
only + n. >>共 948
way 8.07%
one 7.63%
thing 6.22%
player 1.94%
person 1.83%
country 1.79%
team 1.69%
time 1.66%
problem 1.62%
place 1.27%
clue 0.09%
每页显示:    共 41