31.   But Anbari has also been issuing upbeat comments to reporters since the talks opened, in contrast to the official silence observed by the UN team.

32.   But despite the official silence, Japan and the US remain happy with the strong-dollar trend against the yen, he added.

33.   But the official silence almost a week after the attempt continued Wednesday.

34.   The official silence has also descended on the ministries of justice and state procuratorate.

35.   The official silence on Kisangani, was interpreted by many expatriates as meaning that the government is losing its grip.

36.   The official silence, and even denials, over the weekend in Seoul had been construed by some observers here as an attempt to avoid embarrasing isolatinist North Korea.

37.   Jordanian trade unions on Tuesday condemned official silence over a police operation earlier this month in which one person was killed and another injured.

38.   Norway broke its official silence on the case earlier this month, demanding that Israel recognize its role in the slaying and pay compensation to the family.

39.   The government in Kinshasa was maintaining an official silence late Saturday on the fall of its last stronghold in eastern Zaire.

40.   The government was maintaining an official silence Sunday on the loss of Kisangani, a major transport hub on the Zaire River and capital of Upper Zaire province.

a. + silence >>共 469
long 6.38%
stunned 6.32%
stony 3.45%
eerie 3.10%
public 2.69%
complete 2.63%
awkward 2.63%
official 2.34%
dead 2.28%
total 2.22%
official + n. >>共 875
visit 7.68%
result 2.67%
source 2.63%
announcement 2.29%
statement 2.14%
report 1.94%
confirmation 1.89%
figure 1.57%
newspaper 1.46%
language 1.44%
silence 0.15%
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