31.   But the authors indicated that despite the law, Census Bureau officials appeared to be willing to provide such data.

32.   But police officials appeared to be most stung by a finding that that the department disproportionately stopped blacks and Hispanics during street patrols by aggressive anti-crime units.

33.   But the officials appeared to be girding for the possibility of further unrest and said the harsher security would remain in effect for a indefinite period.

34.   But state officials appeared surprised at the conference committee outcome, which was far more generous to the state than they had expected.

35.   But wherever possible, officials appear to be doing what they can to avoid worsening the violence.

36.   But while the economy may be slowing, Fed officials appear to feel no regrets.

37.   But U.S. officials now appear split on the threat it poses.

38.   By failing to act until now, officials appear to be rewarding the very behavior they would most condemn.

39.   Charles Komanoff, a transportation consultant, said that officials appeared to be playing games with very serious traffic issues.

40.   Chechen officials appeared to have little doubt the rockets were an expression of this harshness.

n. + appear >>共 1545
man 1.42%
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leader 0.59%
report 0.59%
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official + v. >>共 435
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