31.   In the wake of the fall of Srebrenica, U.N. chief Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Friday appointed Thorvald Stoltenberg of Norway as his new special envoy for Bosnia.

32.   Iraq signaled it was going to replace its ambassadors earlier this year and the new envoys will take office by the end of the year, the officials said.

33.   Israeli and Palestinian security officials from the Gaza Strip were to meet Wednesday in talks arranged by the new U.S. envoy, William Burns.

34.   Italy has yanked its brand-new nomination of a new envoy to Tirana who was supposed to replace an ambassador who allegedly was meddling in Albanian politics.

35.   Jesse Jackson, a new U.S. envoy to Africa, Wednesday expressed dismay at reports that some of those detained after a failed military coup had been tortured.

36.   Kornblum and Gelbard are also to visit Bosnia, Croatia and Macedonia on their tour to introduce Gelbard as the new envoy to the region, replacing Kornblum.

37.   Kornblum and Gelbard were also to visit Bosnia, Croatia and Macedonia on their tour to introduce Gelbard as the new envoy, replacing Kornblum.

38.   Meanwhile, Powell instructed his new envoy, William Burns, to remain in the region.

39.   Meanwhile, Secretary of State Colin Powell instructed his new envoy, William Burns, to remain in the region.

40.   New UN envoy will have to hit the ground running.

a. + envoy >>共 233
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new + n. >>共 1218
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envoy 0.03%
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