31.   Clinton was much ridiculed for proposing microinterventions like free walkie-talkies for neighborhood watch groups.

32.   Detectives say the friction between the neighborhood groups has no rhyme or reason -- it simply exists.

33.   Facing continued opposition from the neighborhood groups and Phoenix Councilman Phil Gordon, Hitzeman opted to close.

34.   Francis Slavin, an attorney who represented the neighborhood groups, said Hitzeman ultimately decided he was not going to make the business work.

35.   Free paint was handed out to neighborhood groups.

36.   Grogan said neighborhood groups would meet with tenants of the blighted buildings, to persuade them to have their apartments renovated.

37.   He firmly believes in neighborhood watch groups.

38.   He has made tentative steps in this direction, giving planning money and staff to the Marshall Heights Association, a neighborhood group.

39.   He has in fact received plenty of logistical support from state governors, leaders of PRI-controlled unions, farm organizations and neighborhood groups.

40.   He has also given money to help neighborhood groups in his Harlem district and to help mobilize black voters in his district and others.

n. + group >>共 591
opposition 6.73%
rebel 6.18%
consumer 3.64%
guerrilla 3.50%
advocacy 3.21%
right 3.08%
business 3.06%
trade 2.54%
industry 2.40%
aid 2.39%
neighborhood 0.38%
neighborhood + n. >>共 658
resident 5.41%
group 5.21%
school 4.45%
kid 3.98%
child 3.58%
store 2.27%
association 2.27%
street 2.03%
activist 1.39%
restaurant 1.35%
每页显示:    共 130