31.   Bush, for instance, could tell the National Rifle Association that its protection is needed against Gore and the anti-gunners.

32.   But critics such as Kansas wheat shipper William York say that in the face of giant mergers, rail users need more protection, not less.

33.   But conservatives in Congress, fearful that such a survey would turn up rare species that would need protection, shot down the plan.

34.   But Domenici and the livestock industry backing the bill say that ranchers need protection from other groups that oppose grazing on public land.

35.   But as it struggles to restore stability, our entire region needs protection.

36.   But if experience with classic computer viruses is any guide, the prank virus will not be the last of its genre, and better protection will be needed.

37.   But it might inflate faster for a large passenger, who would need more protection and could withstand a bigger punch from the bag.

38.   But it soon became clear that the client did not need the protection, and the order was canceled, he said.

39.   But if Hastert thought the study would show that male sports need protection from Title IX, he was disappointed.

40.   But more protection is clearly needed.

v. + protection >>共 417
provide 14.67%
seek 9.95%
offer 6.75%
have 5.02%
need 4.70%
give 3.49%
receive 2.45%
include 1.80%
extend 1.78%
want 1.73%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
protection 0.85%
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