31.   If you need extra help with a translation assignment or your pronunciation, a tutor can give you feedback via your computer.

32.   Oh, and by the way,my wife wants to know if Mary needs any help.

33.   She needed the help Harvey had promised.

34.   Practical help is also needed if they are to start again.

35.   Unfortunately we need their help too much at the moment.

36.   But she needed his help.

37.   If you need any help -- promotional, financial or physical please talk to Pat Palmer or Bridget Ewing.

38.   Back in the drama, they are confronted by a stranger who needs their help.

39.   And we need your help with the survey.

40.   If you need more help on this, you can get in touch with me.

v. + help >>共 341
seek 19.40%
get 15.61%
need 13.24%
offer 6.75%
provide 4.74%
receive 4.59%
have 4.38%
enlist 3.26%
want 2.32%
give 1.80%
need + n. >>共 1266
help 4.02%
approval 3.29%
money 2.97%
surgery 1.77%
support 1.47%
time 1.37%
change 1.32%
treatment 1.20%
attention 1.06%
lot 0.97%
每页显示:    共 958