31.   The nearest major town is Tarin Kowt, the capital of Oruzgan province.

32.   The nearest town to Squaw Valley was Truckee, Calif.

33.   The nearest town, Al Kharj, is miles away.

34.   The nearest town, Tusayan, offers a clutter of overpriced tourist schlock near the entrance to the park.

35.   They must pay for meals, and they are expensive, so some have dinners of snacks in the bar because the nearest town is a mile walk.

36.   Up the road in Canton, the nearest town, people are excited about the promise of jobs, which are hard to come by in this area.

37.   A crane was also called in from the nearest town to help pull the bus out of the river.

38.   A rescue team was trying to bring the back to Kullu, the nearest town, the reports said.

39.   Albanian sources confirmed four bodies were brought Wednesday to the morgue in Djakovica, the nearest town to the Goden outpost.

40.   Another drove my wife, Sally, and Emma back to the nearest town to fetch a mechanic who fixed the car.

a. + town >>共 667
small 13.85%
northern 3.86%
palestinian 3.66%
southern 3.15%
home 2.44%
nearby 1.94%
main 1.83%
major 1.73%
little 1.66%
coastal 1.57%
nearest 0.48%
nearest + n. >>共 414
town 5.27%
hospital 5.05%
rival 4.32%
thing 3.37%
airport 3.08%
competitor 2.86%
station 2.78%
exit 1.98%
road 1.98%
office 1.76%
每页显示:    共 72