31.   The Asian nations have fought two wars over Kashmir and have hundreds of thousands of troops on opposite sides of a cease-fire line that splits the territory.

32.   The nations have fought two of their three wars over Kashmir, which both claim.

33.   The line was drawn after one of the three wars the two nations have fought since independence from Britain.

34.   The nations are already fighting over U.S. poultry imports.

35.   The nation is fighting its third recession in a decade and unemployment hovers at all-time highs.

36.   The nations have fought two of their three wars over their conflicting claims to all of the Jammu and Kashmir region.

37.   The nations have fought two of their three wars over their conflicting claims to all of Kashmir.

38.   The nations have fought two wars over Kashmir.

39.   The state is claimed by both India and Pakistan and both nations have fought two wars over the region.

40.   The two nations have fought two of their three wars over the region.

n. + fight >>共 978
rebel 7.83%
group 4.49%
troop 4.34%
force 2.87%
guerrilla 2.59%
company 2.52%
soldier 2.23%
country 2.06%
government 1.77%
man 1.67%
nation 0.92%
nation + v. >>共 1094
be 13.29%
have 6.54%
agree 1.90%
need 1.88%
want 1.42%
take 1.35%
say 1.18%
join 1.07%
go 0.89%
make 0.88%
fight 0.53%
每页显示:    共 50