31.   There is no role for a Ralph Fiennes or a Werner Klemperer to flatter your sense of moral superiority.

32.   They claim lighthearted, childlike innocence trumps practicality, but of course childlike innocence in an adult is a sign of mental deficiency, not moral superiority.

33.   They increasingly exhibit a belief in their moral superiority to their compatriots in the west.

34.   Time for Dawg lovers to disabuse themselves of any notion of moral superiority.

35.   Why is minimalism so often equated with moral superiority?

36.   For most white Canadians, eager to distinguish their society from their neighbor to the south, a defining difference is a sense of moral superiority on race relations.

37.   It is a masterful study in disdain and moral superiority.

a. + superiority >>共 132
moral 10.88%
military 10.00%
technological 5.00%
technical 4.12%
overwhelming 3.53%
american 3.53%
racial 3.24%
numerical 2.94%
cultural 2.35%
intellectual 1.76%
moral + n. >>共 945
support 5.69%
value 3.95%
authority 3.81%
issue 3.24%
victory 2.52%
obligation 2.35%
ground 1.80%
standard 1.78%
responsibility 1.73%
dilemma 1.57%
superiority 0.70%
每页显示:    共 37