31.   Elections this month were a key step in that process.

32.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher began a full day of talks here Tuesday with NATO leaders and the diplomat tasked with overseeing next months elections in Bosnia.

33.   US Secretary of State Warren Christopher received assurances from NATO leaders Tuesday that troops in Bosnia will help establish fair conditions for next months elections in the Balkan republic.

34.   Nepalese Maoist guerrillas have stepped up terror attacks which have scared off candidates for local elections this month.

35.   Palestinian security forces in the West Bank have arrested the campaign manager of a small opposition party running in self-rule elections this month, party officials said Wednesday.

36.   Politicians tainted by corruption and criminal charges are nevertheless expected to try their luck in parliamentary elections only months away.

37.   The countries of the European Union go into parliamentary elections this month amid a wave of corruption scandals that have challenged the political establishment in many member-states.

38.   The election this month of nationalist hardliners to the three-seat Bosnian presidency has further raised doubts that a multi-ethnic state is viable.

39.   The issue of immigration is politically sensitive in France, where the far right and anti-immigrant National Front won three mayoral posts in local elections this month.

n. + election >>共 309
runoff 9.72%
fall 8.80%
midterm 7.41%
year 6.02%
weekend 5.62%
spring 4.46%
leadership 4.10%
self-rule 3.31%
government 2.91%
run-off 2.87%
month 1.55%
month + n. >>共 1278
time 4.18%
more 1.36%
meeting 1.13%
election 1.00%
report 0.82%
sale 0.74%
government 0.69%
hearing 0.69%
bill 0.67%
money 0.62%
每页显示:    共 39