31.   Q. What business model works for personal computers?

32.   Questions remain on the technology and what business model will work best.

33.   Some stocks will collapse when it becomes clear that their business models are not working.

34.   Text on both types of screens is highly legible, so the less costly models will work well for note-taking and word-processing.

35.   The current model works with the Palm V and Vx models, and Targus plans keyboards for the Sony Clie, the Handspring Visor and the Compaq iPAQ.

36.   The funding round is a sign the model is working, Roy contends.

37.   The models still work their magic.

38.   The model works best in industries that have low variable cost of production or inventory.

39.   The new models also work much like consumer electronics products.

40.   The new models work seamlessly with Microsoft Outlook as well as several other programs, both Windows and Macintosh.

n. + work >>共 1142
system 2.89%
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official 1.74%
people 1.62%
strategy 1.59%
government 1.49%
team 1.18%
man 1.09%
group 1.02%
employee 1.02%
model 0.21%
model + v. >>共 541
be 29.13%
have 6.47%
come 3.04%
wear 2.34%
look 2.10%
work 1.74%
offer 1.30%
predict 1.27%
show 1.27%
include 1.27%
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