31.   The cities insist that the plan will be phased in gradually, to minimize its effect on water levels in the river.

32.   The company plans to split into two companies to bolster its declining market share and minimize the effect of potential losses on natural gas contracts.

33.   The industry moved quickly to assure foreigners the hostage seizure is an isolated event, hoping the effects can be minimized.

34.   The one you cite is your current low tax bracket, which will minimize the effect of the withdrawals.

35.   They also indicated that they wanted to minimize the effect on civilians.

36.   To minimize the effect of domestic competition, Telefonica has aggressively been expanding its domestic cellular phone operations and extending its international network.

37.   USC coach John Robinson has decided to directly address the problem in practice this week by working on drills that will minimize the effects of crowd noise.

38.   Air circulation systems at the incinerator are designed, officials say, to minimize any effects of a leak or explosion.

39.   Combined with yen weakness, this move helped to minimize the effect of the official intervention on the dollar.

40.   Education Secretary Andrew Gonzalez said a memorandum has been issued ordering teachers to incorporate La Nina information into subjects being taught to minimize its effect on children.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
minimize 0.55%
minimize + n. >>共 486
risk 10.28%
damage 5.93%
impact 5.09%
loss 3.51%
chance 3.36%
effect 2.77%
casualty 2.37%
problem 1.88%
cost 1.83%
possibility 1.73%
每页显示:    共 56