31.   Disarming the soldiers, security guards, militia members, and regular citizens who carry guns will pose a host of challenges.

32.   Despite having some militia members, leaders said the Republic is not violent.

33.   Except for militia members, many Swiss gun owners do not keep ammunition at home.

34.   Experts say what is happening in Texas mirrors a larger phenomenon across the United States led by self-styled patriots, freemen, militia members and anti-tax advocates.

35.   For informing federal investigators of the sales, Livingston said antigovernment militia members harassed him with phone calls.

36.   Franks said Republic followers are not militia members or nuts, but serious-minded citizens who want to return power to average people.

37.   George said that as many as one-fourth of the militia members could be considered racial nationalists.

38.   Handfuls of Internet-hooked extremists, right-wing militia members, psychologically imbalanced belligerents, and postmodern fascists are well versed in the fine points of bioterrorism.

39.   Halpern said that while the case was unusual, there have been other incidents across the country in which militia members have hatched violent anti-government schemes.

40.   He expressed suspicions that Indonesian soldiers and police officers joined the militia members in firing on the Australian peacekeepers with assault rifles on Sunday.

n. + member >>共 330
crew 16.44%
staff 11.91%
committee 6.29%
team 5.42%
gang 5.31%
faculty 3.13%
opposition 3.06%
cult 2.49%
audience 2.20%
band 2.07%
militia 1.48%
militia + n. >>共 223
leader 16.38%
group 15.63%
member 15.58%
ally 4.67%
movement 4.57%
force 3.57%
fighter 3.37%
commander 2.66%
position 1.91%
unit 1.66%
每页显示:    共 308