31.   Human rights officials say the Hutu are rearming and preparing for a military offensive.

32.   If the Colombian military uses the added resources to mount a major military offensive, the rebels vow to strike back hard.

33.   In addition to calling for Israel to halt its military offensive, Bush repeated U.S. demands that Palestinians stop terror attacks.

34.   In an expansion of its military offensive, the Israeli army took over its seventh Palestinian city on Tuesday as it rolled into Hebron.

35.   In response, an army of Rwandan Tutsis launched a military offensive, routing the Hutu-dominated Rwandan army and seizing the country.

36.   In that context, a major military offensive in Gaza could prove counterproductive, making Arafat appear again to be a victim.

37.   Israeli officials also note that their assassination attacks are relatively pinpoint, compared to the general military offensive Israel could launch if the fighting continues to escalate.

38.   Last Saturday, demonstrators against the Israeli military offensive on the West Bank threw cobblestones at the building, damaging the facade and the special plate glass.

39.   Meanwhile, a military offensive against Muslim rebels in the south has dragged on for more than a month.

40.   NATO officials on Monday denied that the bombing had set off the Yugoslav military offensive in Kosovo and that it was causing additional civilian casualties instead of preventing them.

a. + offensive >>共 353
military 13.77%
major 10.12%
new 6.41%
croatian 4.80%
israeli 4.62%
serb 3.86%
russian 3.86%
latest 3.40%
diplomatic 2.61%
recent 1.76%
military + n. >>共 632
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commander 2.25%
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